Kronborg information finally posted. Could not get the map to work, though. Maybe later. It is easy to look up via Google Maps, etc.
Working on a few more ideas to post; stay tuned! :-)
Got all the ghost towns added. Stayed to the bottom-half of the state. Maybe some of them will be interesting enough to pursue. One looks like it could even tempt Robert to tag along; Indian Cave State Park looks like a place to go 4-wheeling. :-)
I also added some Inter-Omaha locations; they may get a sooner-than-later look-see, if the free time allows. Daytime only, probably...
Got a few more links whittled away. Been looking through a list of ghost towns; there may be a few, actually. More road-trip than anything, I am sure... question arose in my mind about whether any of us have transportation for the 'off-road' type of adventures. Definitely not mine; maybe we can commandeer the Mun-Keh for those types of things... more expensive fuel, though.